Clear Path Help Desk FAQs

Thanks for using Clear Path for Jira Plug In. 下面是关于该工具的常见问题,以帮助您入门.

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Why don’t I see any Releases in my pulldown?

Release下拉菜单将显示为您所在的Jira项目配置的Release. Select the Releases menu option in the Jira side panel. Observe if there are Releases defined for your project.

Why don’t I see the Release I am looking for?


Why don’t I see any Epics in my pulldown?

Epic下拉菜单将显示为您所在的Jira项目定义的Epic. 在Jira中选择Backlog视图,然后打开epic面板. Observe if there are Epics defined for your project.

Why don’t I see the Epic I am looking for?

Clear Path只显示为您所在的Jira项目配置的epic.

Why can’t I select a Value in the Type or Status pulldown?

Clear Path要求在Type或Status下拉成为过滤的启用选项之前选择Release或Epic.

How do I delete a blocking relationship?

选择两张票之间的连接线,它将以蓝色突出显示.  Then click the delete key on your keyboard.

How do I create a blocking relationship?

每张票卡的上下中央都有一个方块圆,代表一个手柄. Hover over the bottom handle of the blocking ticket, 并且鼠标光标将从抓取的手变为交叉的毛发. 左键单击并处理卡片手柄,开始拖动到它所阻止的卡片的顶部手柄. 当您将鼠标悬停在第二张卡片的顶部手柄上时,黑色圆圈将扩大并变为绿色. 释放鼠标光标,屏幕将刷新,并创建阻塞关系.


Clear Path被设计为只使用阻断和被阻断的关系类型在Jira, 因为这些是用于指示相互阻塞的票据的标准关系类型, and drive critical path analysis.

How do I create other relationship types in Clear Path?

You cannot.

How do I make the view more readable?


Optionally, “清除路径”的左下角有使用预设放大和缩小的按钮, as well as a fit to screen button.

Why can’t I see any values when I select my Release/Epic?

If there are any warnings or errors, 它们将显示在过滤器下拉框下方的警告面板中.

  1. If the “No Issues Match Filter” Error is shown, 然后定义的过滤器没有产生任何匹配的结果. Try the following:

    • Change the filter criteria to be less strict. For example, if you filtered to show only To-do tickets, you may not have any left, and should include In Progress tickets

    • 如果您使用了Release Filter,请确认确实有分配给Release的票证

    • 如果您使用了Epic Filter,请确认确实有分配给Epic的票

2. If the Circular Dependency error is shown, 然后,定义的票证导致一个循环,无法呈现. 在敏捷中,周期是无效的条件,应该加以纠正. a, B, C票之间循环的一个例子是:a挡住B, B挡住C, C挡住a

  • Click the black down arrow in the Error. 错误将扩展到显示违规循环中有多少张罚单。.

  • Click the total number of issues hyperlink, 一个新的标签会在你的浏览器中打开,导航到Jira的高级搜索视图,显示违规门票

How do I change the colors used on the cards?

  1. 要改变史诗的颜色:点击史诗中任意一张牌左下角的史诗名称, and a pop-up will appear. Change the color of the Epic from the color picker, close the popu-up, and changes will automatically apply

    • To change the Critical Path color, Bottleneck color, or selected card/path color, you must change your user settings.

    • Click the cog wheel in the top right corner.

    • Select the applicable setting, and choose the desired color

    • If you don’t like the color chosen, 您可以随时单击用户设置中的重置默认值,将所有设置设置回默认值

2. To change the Critical Path color, Bottleneck color, or selected card/path color, you must change your user settings.

  • Click the cog wheel in the top right corner.

  • Select the applicable setting, and choose the desired color

  • If you don’t like the color chosen, 您可以随时单击用户设置中的重置默认值,将所有设置设置回默认值

Why aren’t any bottlenecks showing?


  • Click the cog wheel in the top right corner.

  • Adjust the Bottleneck Threshold lower


sprint按钮将通过处理所有票证来评估可视化中的关键路径 equal (i.e., a ticket is a ticket regardless). Above the root card on the first row, 红色显示的数字将是关键路径距离的计数. 这通常是对开发所需的sprint数量的一个很好的估计, 假设你在同一个冲刺中没有两张互相阻碍的票. The path highlighted represents your schedule risk. 当产品增量中的所有票证还没有被故事指向时,这个值是很好的.

故事点将通过加权所有票来评估可视化中的关键路径 based on their Story Points value (因为更复杂的票通常有更多的故事点价值). Above the root card on the first row, 显示为红色的数字将是关键路径上故事点的总数. The path highlighted represents your technical risk, 如果你有足够多的票,它通常比Sprint计数更能衡量风险.

Why is there more than one critical path?

Two or more paths have the same value determined (such as, the same number of story points, or the same number of sprints)

How can I easily take a snapshot of the visualization?

Click the Export button next to the settings cog wheel, 将可视化的SVG文件下载到您的计算机.

How do I see dependencies from other Jira projects?

Clear Path不显示来自其他项目的依赖关系, 但是,如果结果中的票据在项目外部具有依赖性,它确实会提供警告.

  • Click the black down arrow in the Warning. 错误将展开,以指示结果中有多少票包含来自其他项目的依赖项

  • Click the total number of issues hyperlink, 一个新的选项卡将在浏览器中打开,导航到Jira的高级搜索视图,显示包含项目外部依赖项的票据

  • 在搜索结果中点击每条票证,检查“被屏蔽”的关系

How do I know how many tickets I am viewing?


How do I Organize the visualization?

You can single select, multi-select, 或在可视化中区域选择票证,并将其拖到可视化中的新位置. However, any manual placement does not persist, and will be lost if you navigate away from Clear Path, change a filter, or cause any edits to tickets that would require a refresh. 如果希望保留任何手动更改以供以后使用,可以将其导出到SVG文件

Clear Path Demos on YouTube

Clear Path EULA